Pvt. William E. Newhall
H Co. 8th Ill. Cav.
Three Years Service
Farnsworth's Regiment
Mustered In Sept. 18, 1861 at Camp Kane in St. Charles, Ill's.Home of record listed as Babcock's Grove, Ill's.
Issued .56 7 shot Spencer Carbine, a revolver, and a saber.
Notice: Dec. 25, 1861 issue Elgin's Weekly Gazette.
We give space also to an article from the Chicago Tribune, with reference to the purchase of Cavalry horses for this Regiment. Now will some one give us the figures on Farnsworth's 1200 horses. We know that many of the horses were bought for seventy and seventy-five dollars. What did the Government pay for them? And among whom was the forty or fifty thousand dollars divided. Out of that sum the Government was defrauded. Who has it? We advise ambitious young men to keep a pure record in these matters. By and by this money will have to be raised by a direct tax, and then a thousand ***** ***** will be open to see who had **** **** while ****** the debt they are taxed to pay. The a dollar traced to your ******* when you cannot honestly account, will burn like an unquenchable fire. Take care.
Re-enlisted as a veteran Jan. 1, 1864 and paid a $300 Veterans Bounty, then sent home on 30 days Veterans Furlough.
Mustered Out July 17, 1865.
Known actions;
Bull Run, Va. March 10, 1962
Mechanicsville, Va. June 26, 1862
Gaines Mill, Va. June 27, 1862
Malvern Hill, Va. July 1, 1862
Poolsville, Maryland Sept. 4, 1862
Monocacy Church Sept.. ?, 1862
Sugar Loaf Mt., Md. Sept. 6, 1862
Barnsville, Maryland Sept. 9, 1862
Antietam, Maryland Sept. 16, 1862
Fredericksburg, Va. Dec. 11, 1862
Sulpher Springs April 14, 1863
Rapidan Station May 1, 1863
Northern Neck May 14, 1863
Borstly Ford June 9, 1863
Upperville June 21, 1863
Fairville July 1, 1863
Gettysburg, Penn. July 2, 1863
Williamsburg, Md. July 6, 1863
Boonsboro, Md. July 8, 1863
Funktown , Md. July 10, 1863
Falling Water July 14, 1863
Chester Gap July 21, 1863
Sandy Hook July 22, 1863
Brandy Station, Va. Aug. 4, 1863
Culpepper, Va. Sept. 13, 1863
Liberty Mills Sept. 21, 1863
Warrenton Junction Oct. 30, 1863
Rexleysville Nov. 8, 1863
Mitchell’s Station Nov. 12, 1863
Ely’s Ford Nov. 30, 1863
Post war;
Moved to Elgin, Ill. in 1882.
Joined Elgin GAR Veteran's Post #49 Aug. 28, 1896.
Obit; Jan. 2, 1903 issue of The Elgin Daily News.
William E. Newhall died on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Lois E. Hillis.
The deceased was born in Bangor, Me., Nov. 29, 1831. His parents moved in 1842 to Chicago, where the family were reared. In the 50s he traveled with the Newhall family of vocalists. In '61 he enlisted in the 8th Illinois cavalry, Co. H, Capt. Hooker, remaining in this command until mustered out. For sixteen years after the war he lived in Wisconsin, removing to Elgin in 1882. Mrs. F.A. Lamb, of Roseland, La., and Mrs. A.L Everett, of Portland, Ore., are sisters.
The funeral will be held on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. With the exception of the Grand Army and a few neighboring friends it will be private.
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