Pvt. James C. Miller
A.K.A. James C. Hall
From the Elgin Academy Monument
Attended the Elgin Academy.
I Co. 110th New York Vol. Inf.
From Illinois County Marriages
Name - James C. Miller
Aged - 34 Years
Marriage Date - 1878 in Kane Co., Ill.
Spouse - Jennie Seisfloff
From the Post #49 files
Joined Elgin GAR Veteran's Post #49 March 1880
From Illinois County Marriages
Name - James C. Miller
Aged - 47 Years
Marriage Date - Oct. 12, 1891 in Kane Co., Ill.
From the 1900 Census
Name - James C. Miller
Aged - 54 Years
Born - New York
Home in 1900 - 4th Ward, Elgin, Kane Co., Ill.
Race - White
Marital Status - Divorced
From the 1910 Census
Name - James C. Miller
Aged - 65 Years
Born - New York
Home in 1910 - 3d Ward, Elgin, Kane Co., Ill.
Race - White
Marital Status - Widowed
Occupation - Propieter
Industry - Rubber Stamp Company
From the 1920 Census
Name - James C. Miller
Aged - 76 Years
Born - New York
Home in 1920 - Elgin, Kane Co., Ill.
Race - White
Occupation - Rubber Stamp Maker
Spouse - Mary Miller
Aged - 56 Years
Obit; June 29, 1928 issue of The Elgin Courier-News.
James C. Miller, well known local dealer in the rubber stamp business and a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Veteran Post No. 49, died this morning at Sherman hospital following a long illness. Had Mr. Miller lived until November 28 he would have observed his eighty-fourth birthday anniversary.
Mr. Miller was born in Little Falls, N.Y., November 28, 1844 and came to Elgin when a young man. Previous to the Civil war he returned to the east and served for three years with a company of New York Union soldier during the war.
During the past 28 years Mr. Miller has been engaged in the rubber stamp business at 57 Douglas avenue. Besides his widow, he is survived by one son, William A. of this city, two daughters, Mrs. Cary Harris of Bartlett and Mrs. Cora Chase of Dell, Canada, a sister, Mrs. Emma king of Elgin, and a brother, Rev. Sherman Clark of Monument, Ore.
Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, July 1, from the Frederick and Marsh funeral parlors. A military burial, with members of the G.A.R. Veteran post No. 49, in charge will be given the Civil war veteran in Bluff City cemetery.
From the Applications for Military Headstones Files
Name - James C. H. Miller A.K.A. James C. Miller
Rank - Pvt.
Unit - Co. I 110th New Yorfk Inf.
Date of Death - 6/29/1928
Cemetrery - Bluff City in Elgin, Ill.
Information Verified - Aug. 14, 1928
Shipped - Jan. 9, 1929
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Used wi6h permission Dan Mallett |
Members of Post #49 sewed watch faces to their ribbons to show they were from Elgin.
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