Pvt. Henry Snellgrove
B Co. 40th NY Inf.
Aged 21 years.Enlisted at Yonkers, New York.
Mustered In June 14, 1861.
Discharged Due to Disability Dec. 29, 1862 at Baltimore, Maryland, reason not listed.
Moved to Elgin, Ill. in 1890.
From the Post #49 Files
Joined Elgin GAR Veteran's Post #49 March 18, 1889.
From the 1900 Census
Name Henry Snellgrove
Aged - 60 Years
Born - England
Home in 1900 - Elgin, Kane Co., Ill.
Occupation - Machinist
As recorded on the Elgin Sexton's ledger
Occupation, Machinest. Died Nov. 1, 1916, 9:30 pm at Sherman Hospital. Aged 76/10/13. Cause of death listed as Bronchial Pnumonia, 3rd Attack. Undertaker retained, F. T. Norris. Physician, C. E. Sharp. Permit #16440.
Obit; Nov. 2, 1916 issue of The Elgin Daily News.
Henry Snellgrove, 296 Villa street, Civil war veteran, prominent member of the G.A.R. and an employe of the watch factory for nearly thirty yeears, died at Sherman hospital last night following a short illness.
His death occurred at 9:15 o'clock, a half hour after he had been taken to the hospital in a final efforrt to save his life. He had been ill a week with bronchial pneumonia following a hard cold which he contracted last Tuesday night.
For a man seventy-seven years old he had been exceptionally active. until a week ago he had been a steady worker at the watch factory, being emp,loyed as a machinist since 1889. Injuries received in a fall last winter incapacitated him for a few weeks.
Born at Bishop Stoke, near Southampton, England, Dec. 18, 1839, he came to this country at the age of fourteen. After residing at Lowell, Mass., he came to Elgin twenty-seven years ago.
He served in the Civil war, enlisting as a member of Company B. Fortieth New York infantry and served until he was disabled after two and one-half years. Since the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic he has been active in the work of that order.
He was a member of Veteran Post No. 49. He was junior vice commander at the time of his death. He was a past commander and had served as chaplain of the post for five consecutive terms.
He was an alderman in the old sixth ward for one term, serving in that capacity in 1895 and 1896.
Mr. Snellgrove was also active in church circles, having been a member of the First Baptist church for many years. At the time of his death he was a deacon and leader of the old people's bible class.
He was also a member of the Royal League, being pass archon of that order.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nina F. Snellgrove, and five sons, Edward and Herbert of Elgin; Roland of Erie, pa., George of Marengo, and Neal who is attending lake Forest college.
The funeral will be at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the First Baptist church. The F.A.R. will attend in a body and have charge of the service at the cemetery.
From the 1956 Kane Co. Honor Roll
Soldier - Pvt. Henry Snellgrove
Unit - Co. B 40th N.Y. Inf.
Died - Nov. 1, 1916
Interred at - Bluff City Cemetery in Elgin, Ill.
Location - Lot 13, Section 11
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